Date: 03.07.2017
Date: 03.04.2017
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Va - Dots & Pearls 4
Date: 03.04.2017
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The Cocoon Recordings very own inhouse compilation series DOTS AND PEARLS is back once again and takes us on a tour to the expected sounds of the upcoming spring season. Frankfurt based Christian Burkhardt starts the selection of four exclusive and previously unreleased tracks. His -Karambolage- breathes spring air and creates an early summer feeling par excellence. This tune will even turn gray and rainy april weather into bright sunlight. On spot with playful and positive harmonies and a very subtle 80 s synthie-pop flavour. This one here definitely makes us want more! Next in line is Argy, one of our most long standing Cocoon Recordings artists. His -How Late It Was, How Late- has an undeniable 80s retro charm, too however it follows a completely different direction than Burkhardts -Karambolage-. This one refers strongly to an early 80s acid sound and reminds us of great productions such as -On And On- by Jesse Saunders. We cannot tell how far Argy s reminiscences goes back but for the ones who know: -How Late It Was, How Late- will bring you back to the great times of labels like Rams Horn and their Rational Youth s -Dancing On The Berlin- Wall. Brave and surprising at the same time and above all: -übercool-! With -Baroon- by Markus Fix follows another acid track - however, this one has a far more epic flavour full of warm analogue strings and based on a hypnotic arrangement. Fix -Baroon- is defintely less retro than Argys and Burkhardts contributions - a deep tech house gem made for the first sunrises of the upcoming allnighter open airs. With -Euphrasia- Jim Jules accelerates slightly but goes also deeper at the same time. His production follows the cinematic mood of Markus Fix but paints a darker picture. This one takes us on an intensive musical journey. Deep, slightly gloomy and extremely hypnotic, -Euphrasia- is almost captivating and bewitching and a perfect conclusion for this highly diversified fourtracker.