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pH Project - Obvitrip

pH Project

Exarde Exarde


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Warm welcome to the label this time comes to the duo of producers from Netherlands called pH Project. The musical union formed by Pelle and Herra that are both have been doing what they do for many years and played alongside as well many admirable artists which you can find on the archives of the internet if the curiosity will get the best of you. The maestros of the project have provided us with 3 ready to tremor up the speakers cuts with their signature groove and knowledge that they have acquired in the trenches of rave during their activity on the scene. Finalising this 12” vinyl cut is Levat, the producer who doesn’t need introduction as his persona and non-stop dedication for music speaks for itself. Taking non-standard approach of taking stems from all the originals hence the name of the work is “Thritrakk”, combining the elements of all three tracks we have this dark electro monster audio gracing the B2 side. The work of a collaboration of styles and sonically dedicated minds have resulted into this EP “Obvitrip” coming to life for us to enjoy.


A1 Obvitrip
A2 Intersafe
B1 Kres
B2 Thritrakk (Levat Remix)
